JLicense allows Jewish organizations to now legally and easily license their use of copyrighted material including music and lyrics.

Your use of copyrighted music in live streams and events, resource recordings, handouts, on-screen projections, and much more, are all made legal under JLicense.

And here's the best part: the composers, authors, and publishers responsible for your program or worship content will be paid fairly for your use of their work. Way to be a mensch!

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JLicense - Become Copyright-Compliant

If you stream or store recordings of events or services, make rehearsal recordings for your ensembles, or project lyrics or music excerpts onscreen or use them for handouts, you may be infringing on copyright laws. JLicense takes away that worry.

Publishers and composers are paid fairly for your use of their creations, and your institution is protected, all for a very reasonable license fee.


How JLicense Works

It's quite simple: Log into your JLicense.com account and report which songs you used at a service or event. The system will remember your entries from the previous login, and most of the repertoire you use will already be in the JLicense database. This allows you to easily click and report, quickly becoming part of your work routine. If a song is not in the database, our team will review the title and usually add it.


How Long Does My JLicense Last?

JLicense is available as an annual license (based on congregational or organizational membership size), a single-use/24-hour license (based on event attendance), or a special event/7-day license (based on event attendance).